Jumat, 24 April 2015

Islamic New Year Reflection

Islamic New Year Reflection

Islamic New Year is the year of the Hijra. NAME Hijri as calculated from the migration of the Prophet TO madinah. Many people or even great scholars among Nahdliyin interpret the meaning of the problems does move. Some argue that the move essentially meaning is to move from a state other kekeadaan better. Adapa also that the move should be done dlohir and mind. All that can be justified by argumentatisi that leads towards the truth and we all believed were correct. This is a scientific truth that the correspondence between the statement with the reality that he in fact. Thus we should reflect on the success of the migration of the Prophet and their history umtnya. All of it is a picture of ata understanding of how or where the terms of lita looked much more we look at the history of historical events from different viewpoints will be able to take the essence of the difference anyway.
At the core of the Prophet Muhammad along with his people successfully migrated from Mecca adinah camp. But behind this move suskesnya sometimes we wonder what there is one factor behind the success of the migration of the Prophet. Prophet Muhammad was then we all know that he is an apostle of Allah and the prophet also ahirul annbiya ', in addition to that he is also a leader for his people. On the side of the prophet Muhammad as a leader of this we would need to look in the mirror a lot to him. The term leader must be led, then there is a problem that needs to be solved from seheletan issues that arise. Especially when the new religion of Muhammad as a carrier yukni Islamic religion which ya'lu walaa yu'la 'alihi.
The success of the prophet and his followers migrated bring kemadinah not be separated from the main core management applied by Beliu. The essence of the management of the language is now commonly known as POAK (planning, organizing, aktuAlition, and kontroling).
Prophet of learning based on experience less successful in pertamyanya kehabasyah move. HE increasingly hawatir for the safety of his people then Beliu plan the next move is to move TO Madinah al Munawaroh. This is the aspect of planning Beliu that the prophet has big plans for his people perkembanyan. Then Beliu determine and put people who must move first kemadinah. As it is written in the historical literature that Umar ibn Khottoblah friend who bravely fortify Muslims who migrated kemadianah. These events prove bawaha prophet also mempu mengorganising and actualize what the idea Beliu. As the leader who prefers salvation umuatnya Beliu stand by Ali did move bekangan while monitoring the situation and circumstances in the future. Until one when the prophet together sahabt Ali terkempung in a home until late at night. To memmbebaskan themselves from the siege of the Quraysh pagans Prophet was preparing a rancana that later when the They already dissolved in sleep the companions of Ali. RA mengganTIkan beliou his position, SO disbelievers assume that the prophet was still asleep when the bed is a friend of Ali. Eventually, with the maturity of the application of management principles HIS, the prophet managed to escape without leaving significant problems.
 Allah Maasya incredible what has been exemplified by the great teachers of our Prophet Muhammad. And perhaps it is this which is less exposed or published so far, so a bit lame in the mirror of a series of historical events.
When digested with the basic question of why made Hijra calendar of course we will be able to learn valuable lessons from Herein. Historically reviewed before Hijra calendar has no prior existing AD calendar that calculation using earth orbit around the sun or frequent desebut with the solar calendar. But friends umar bin khotob proposed for the formation of the Hijra calendar, this calendar is calculated from the migration of the Prophet kemadinah. Hijra calendar or lunar calendar system is the determination of the initial and final calculation using the lunar month around the earth. The calendar is considered very suitable because according to qonun-qonun Shar'ie such initial determination by looking Hilal Ramadan fasting, as well as the determination of the end of the month of Ramadan. We make people Isalam Hijri calendar has facilitated the implementation of ritual worship. Why is that, as we know it is not fitting to the Gregorian calendar used by Muslims all over the world. Try it if taggal Ramadan falls on July taggal one, certainly every year we are fasting in the dry season. In contrast to the one specified Ramadan with Hijra calendar sometimes we fast during the rainy season, sometimes musing dry, sometimes even between the two seasons.
From the story above also shows that religion is full of history, have much to teach us the importance of management. With the establishment we were able memplanning Hijra calendar, organizing, aktualiting, and kontroling against our religious ritual in accordance with the provisions syar'i.
In addition, we also should be able mengiterpetasikan and implement and reduce the management values ​​in kuntruksi any organization, company, association, or boarding though, because without the application of basic management principles will then keberjalannyapun (shambles = Java) is not clear, running without any clear direction and purpose. Here it seems important for us to keep learning in history and never was satisfied with the words of others before we mngkaji authentic history and depth to discover new things from this incident. Do Bagga against the Islamic state before the love of the history of Islam. So ... let's vying love history to strengthen our faith.

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